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Liitu konverentsile VidyoRoom seadmega kalendrikutse abil

Send calendar invite

When sending a calendar invitation to videoconferencing participants send it to the room calendar as well.

Video endpoint displays calendar events

Video endpoint reads calendar and displays events on the screen. It will display 3 events and use arrow key to right to bring next events to display (from the right edge you can see that there are more events hidden behind the edge).


Calendar Events are color categorized:

Depending on the event type these are color categorized:

Meeting has ended (dark background)
upcoming video conference  (green background)
not a video conference, just room reservation (blue background)


Each event has starting time icon:

Meeting already ended
Meeting already started
Meeting will start in 5 minutes. Number in circle shows how many minutes left. Count down starts at 5 minutes before scheduled time.
Meeting starts at 10.00AM


Join using calendar integration

Automatic suggestion to join

5 minutes before meeting system suggest to join the meeting by displaying the event details: choose "OK" from remote to join. Go back to home screen using ”Back” button from remote.

Automatic suggestion to join meeting


Using remote to select and join meeting

Use arrow keys from the remote to choose a meeting and press "OK" to join.


Before actually joining the meeting, system displays meeting details: topic of the meeting, who has sent the invite, starting and ending time, to whom the invite has be sent. To join press ”OK” on remote.








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